RICO Freeze drying is the process of removing moisture from a biological product while maintaining the biological and chemical composition and the integrity of the activities. Freeze-drying techniques are used especially for the removal of moisture from the products of biological origin, without making any noticeable changes in the basic characteristics. Freeze dryer is also the preferred process in the fields of pharmacy, chemistry and food conservation. Heat-sensitive biological materials can be freeze-dried without affecting their potency. Drying materials can be stored for years at room temperature without the loss of their original characteristics. Freeze-dried material can be transported and sent to small containers, and no provision is required for refrigeration en route.
In addition to normal drying applications, our freeze-drying micro-organisms, plants, tissues etc. are suitable for the use of various applications, which are in addition to various customized industrial and research applications.
Bacterial growth and enzymes are not in freeze-dried products. Protein do not coagulate. Due to drying and sealing of oxidation of many materials such as hemoglobin and vaccine, it is completely prevented.